
Bench with backrest type 34

505,95 843,25  bez DPH

Bench with backrest type 34 designed for placing in waiting rooms at railway and bus stations. Made entirely of stainless steel (also available in galvanized and painted steel).



Delivery 4-6 weeks (depending on stock levels)

materiáloceľ ozinkovaná a malovaná,
ocel nehrdzavejúca
dĺžka lavičky185 cm
výška lavičky88 cm
hĺbka lavičky70 cm
komponentyprofil 60 x 30 x 2 mm, 40 x 40 x 1,5 m, plech 1,5 mm
konštrukciaprofil oceľ
opierky na lakteano

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