Categories: Bike racks, U

U-stand type 37

435,00 752,50  bez DPH

The U-stand type 37 is an assembly of 3 barriers joined together into one assembly. In addition, the barriers are equipped with rubber, which additionally stabilises the bike when parking and provides it with a secure support. The presence of protective rubber also protects the bike frame from accidental scratches. An important advantage of the stand is the possibility of adjusting the set to the desired angle (90-45 degrees). This option is particularly useful when there are local constraints, for example if the stand is located next to a pavement.


Delivery 4-6 weeks (depending on stock levels)

počet stanovísk6
šírka178 cm
výška90 cm
hĺbka100 cm
nohy60 x 8 mm
priestor medzi bariérami80 cm
regulácia90 až 45 stupňov
komponentyprofil 50 x 50 x 2 mm, guma 30 mm
materiáloceľ nehrdzavejúca, oceľ pozinkovaná, oceľ pozinkovaná a malovaná
ukotvenieskrutkami alebo zabetónovaním

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